2019年3月18日 星期一

interfere vs intervene

筆者發覺很多學生甚至在職人士經常混淆 interfere intervene,以為這兩個詞是同義詞,可以交換運用,殊不知它們其實有不同的含義。


先看看 interfere 的英文定義:to get involved in a situation that does not concern you, in a way that annoys other people (source: OALD)。可見 interfere 所指的是「干涉」一些事不關己的事,而且這種行為往往是惹人生厭的,換言之,interfere 其實隱含「多管閒事」的意味,沒有得到別人的請求或同意而主動插手,例如:

He never interferes in other people’s love affairs.(他從不干涉別人的戀事。)
The government warned its neighbours not to interfere in its internal affairs.政府警告鄰國不要干涉其內政。

值得一提,interfere 屬於正式用詞,口語中通常用另一個詞 meddle,例如:

Jenny is always meddling in other people’s affairs.(珍妮總是愛管別人的閒事。)
Stop meddling in my private life. It’s none of your business!(不要再干涉我的私生活,這與你無關!)

再看看 intervene 的英文定義:to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it (source: OALD)。可見 intervene 所指的「干涉」是希望糾正問題或防止問題惡化,在牽涉政治或外交的場合上,更準確的對應詞是「調停,調解」,例如:

They hoped that the United Nations would intervene in this dispute.(他們希望聯合國出面調停這場紛爭。)
Local councillors are strongly opposed to this policy but are powerless to intervene.(當地議員強烈反對這項政策,卻無力干預。)

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