2018年5月25日 星期五

naked vs nude

naked nude 都是解作「赤裸」,有甚麼差別嗎?


如果純粹指一個人沒穿衣服,不帶任何暗示,那一般會用 naked,例如:
He answered the door half naked.(他半裸着身體就去應門。)
The children ran naked on the beach.(那些小孩在沙灘上裸跑。)

從含義上來說,naked 可以帶有嚇人的意味,而 nude 則帶有誘人的意味,所以 nude 一般用於表示藝術層面的裸體,例如:
The body was found naked near the lake.(湖邊發現的屍體是赤裸的。)
The prisoners were stripped naked and whipped.(囚犯被脫光衣服,遭受鞭打。)
She worked as a nude model when she was young.(她年輕時曾當過裸體模特兒。)
The nude scenes in the film have been cut.(電影中的裸露鏡頭已被剪掉了。)

從以上推論,naked 所表示的赤裸可能是非自願甚至被迫的,而 nude 則以觀賞的態度展現眼前,例如:
She was shocked to find herself lying naked in bed when she woke up.(她醒來時發現自己在床上一絲不掛,當場嚇呆了。)
She became famous overnight after she posed nude for the magazine.(她為雜誌拍下裸照後一夜成名。)
Some of the resorts allow nude sunbathing on the beaches.(有些度假村允許在海灘上裸體曬太陽。)

最後要注意,nude 只能表示身體上的赤裸,但 naked 還可用於其他意思,正如中文也會用「赤裸裸」來表示毫不保留或毫無掩飾,例如:
The journalist revealed the naked truth about the scandal.(記者揭露了有關那宗醜聞赤裸裸的真相。)
The prime minister condemned the invasion as an act of naked aggression.(首相譴責這次入侵是赤裸裸的侵略行為。)

