2013年11月30日 星期六

Oreo 的種族含義

大家都吃過 Oreo 餅乾吧?這個品牌名字背後原來暗藏了一點跟種族有關的貶義。

Oreo 餅乾是由兩塊黑色曲奇夾着白色的香草餡料,黑夾白,可以聯想到甚麼呢?

在美國,有些黑人的心態和舉止都想盡量模仿白人(acting white),以顯示自己像主流的白人般擁有優越的才能,但這些黑人卻受到其他黑人的不屑和排斥,例如他們講的英語太標準,不像黑人英語(Black English),喜歡的音樂是 poprockcountry,而不是 hip hoprap R & B,甚至連結識一大群不同膚色的朋友或者在工作上爭取好表現也會惹來非議,視之不忿的黑人形容這些黑人為 oreo,取其意象為 “black on the outside and white on the inside”。已故的樂壇天后 Whitney Houston 當年憑一曲《I will always love you》紅爆全球,但卻遭受一些黑人白眼,認為她的唱腔有意取悅白人。

在美國生活的亞洲人亦不例外,假若他們給人感覺是崇尚白人或以具有白人的才幹而自豪,同樣會給其他亞洲人嗤之以鼻,譏笑他們「黃皮白肉」,要形容 “yellow on the outside and white on the inside”,他們想到一個更直接簡單的用詞:banana

3 則留言:

  1. I don't think the words "oreo" and "banana" are too much of an insult any more. It maybe at some point. To me, "banana" means "Americanized". However it is hard to say how everyone may see it. Sometimes, people can be too sensitive, especially in the US. Oh well...

  2. I think the insulting effect of this kind of words can be reduced or made as a joke among youngsters. But it still depends on how individuals see it when they hear the words. Anyway, it is generally true that however offensive a word was at one point in history, it would become old-fashioned and forgotten after generations.
