2013年8月22日 星期四



英式英語稱「人浪」為 the Mexican wave,而美式英語則直接稱為 the wave。乍看之下,叫作 Mexican wave,一定會以為「人浪」是起源於墨西哥的,但這恐怕是一個美麗的誤會,因為根據西方媒體的記載,並沒有甚麼明顯的證據能證明「人浪」源自墨西哥,那何來有 Mexican wave 這個名字呢?

關於「人浪」最早的出處有兩個說法。一說是 1981 年在美國加州的奧克蘭(Oakland)舉行的一場職業棒球賽中,場上有位著名的啦啦隊隊員 Krazy George Henderson 帶動觀眾首次做出「人浪」的動作;另一說又是 1981 年在美國西雅圖的華盛頓大學內的赫斯基體育館(Husky Stadium)中,一名電視節目主持人 Robb Weller 帶動觀眾一起做「人浪」。由於兩次活動時間相隔很近,兩者亦堅持自己是「人浪」的發明人,所以至今依然沒有定論。不過,可以推斷「人浪」多數源於美國。

即使「人浪」是美國人所創,但以上的體育運動都局限於美國本土,當時其他國家還不知道甚麼叫 the wave,真正把「人浪」普及化是 1986 年在墨西哥舉行的世界盃,當年全場瘋狂地大玩「人浪」,引起了媒體的注意,廣泛報導這個特別的現象,最終把「人浪」從大西洋傳揚開去。由於主辦國是墨西哥,遂把「人浪」命名為 the Mexican wave

4 則留言:

  1. Ha! I didn't know it is also called "Mexican wave". After your explanation, it makes sense now.
    Since you are talking about Mexican and sport related stuff, there is one really interesting thing to share with you. When Mexico scores a goal in a soccer game, Mexican announcer would yell out "GOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLL!". Very funny!

  2. Haha, thanks Lok for sharing with me the fascinating video! It's quite interesting the announcer spoke Spanish during the game and then changed to yell out the English word 'GOAL' when the player scored a goal!

  3. Sorry my bad. Bryan says that they yell "gol", which is the spanish word for "goal". Both words sound pretty much the same though.

  4. Thanks for explaining this to me! Bryan is an expert when we are not sure about Spanish :D
