2013年7月11日 星期四



「愛」在廣東話最普遍的意思當然是「疼愛」(to love)或「關愛」(to care for),但這個意思的「愛」真的很少人能夠勇敢說出口,如果你時常掛在嘴邊,反而會令人覺得很隨便、少了一份矜持和含蓄,不一定會受人讚賞。其實,廣東話的「愛」有另一個完全不同的意思,最神奇的是,大多數人都經常講,卻又不為意,或不以為然。

說到這裡,讀者一定感到十分好奇,筆者也不賣關子了,只需舉一個例子就明白了,平時到餐館點菜,例如到燒味店買飯,很多人都會大聲喊:「唔該,我愛碟叉燒飯!」,這裡的「愛」當然不是對「叉燒飯」有甚麼傾慕之意,只不過是「想要」(to want)的意思,又例如說「對鞋已經咁舊,你仲愛唔愛?」,轉成書面語就是「這雙鞋已經那麼舊,你還要不要?」,即使你堅定地答「愛!」,也絕不會給鞋來一個擁吻的。


4 則留言:

  1. HAHA.... I actually didn't know when I say "對鞋已經咁舊,你仲愛唔愛?". The word "愛" is the same word as love. I always thought it is some other word that I just don't know how to write.
    Now, I know the word "愛" in Cantonese have two meanings. Haha... funny. :D

  2. I can't say 100% that this 愛 is the original word for that sentence, but it seems no other word with the same pronunciation can suit it best.

    There should be much more to be explored in Cantonese. Have you heard about 潮語? 潮 is pop, and so it means popular sayings. For example, 好 chok,「火羅」爆 (「火羅」in one word), 屈機 and so on. In recent years a large number of 潮語 just popped up among HK youngsters. As you have left HK for ten years, you may not understand some of them, though you can still hear them through TVB soap (but you know, TVB is always out of date in the youth's eyes). A Canadian called Carlosdouh even made Youtube videos introducing some Cantonese 潮語. You may have already seen them on FB or just search them in Youtube. I'm sure you'll find them super funny.

  3. Wow! I have never seen any videos from that guy! Some of them are really funny. He did a good job explaining the slang words. It looks like I will be spending hours watching them. HAHA... :D

  4. Glad to hear that! He's become quite famous after making those videos. Some of the slang he chose are really up to date. I believe you can grasp the meanings well by watching them. Enjoy yourself!!
