原來 language 有分可數(countable)和不可數(uncountable)的,可數的就是表示某一國家或民族的語言,例如 the Italian language、a foreign language、four official
languages 等,這個意思法語用 langue(屬女性,feminine noun);不可數的概括來說就是表示語言的表達方式、具某種特色的言語風格,例如 body language、foul language、written / spoken
language、the language of Shakespeare 等,這個意思法語則用 langage(屬男性,masculine noun),留意相對英語的 language 少了一個 u。
由此可見,language 一詞的意思,英語以可數性(countability)區分,法語就直接分開兩個詞使用,可謂各司其職。
A keen observation. The word 'language' can refer to individual languages (countable), or a form of expression, like art, music, in which case it is uncountable. If I remember correctly, there is a related concept in French: parole.
回覆刪除Yes, you remind me of the word 'parole' in French. I'm not sure what exactly it is to say 'parole' in English. From dictionary there are usually two given English translations:
回覆刪除1. speech, but in the sense of 'the ability to speak', not 'a talk in the public', in which sense 'discours' would be used
2. word, but in the sense of 'expression', 'remark', not 'a single unit of language', in which sense 'mot' would be used
so I guess 'parole' is similar to 言語, 言辭 in Chinese, though not absolutely the same.
Spanish 入面都有'idioma'同'lengua', 無細究過有咩分別....
回覆刪除拉丁語言果然寧願分開兩個字,也不要一字多義,但 idioma 容易令人誤會是英語的 idiom,剛剛查過,原來 Spanish 的 'idiom' 是 modismo ...