先說說「杏」這種植物。杏是一種落葉喬木,果實呈黃紅色,味道酸甜,英語名稱叫 apricot,杏的起源不詳,從它的遍布來看應該是始於亞洲,中國也一直盛產杏樹,所以國人對杏的認識並不陌生。所謂「杏仁」就是「杏」的種子,不過,杏仁並非大多數人所以為的小食果仁(nuts)。「杏仁」在英語的真正名稱是 apricot kernel,廣東人也許對杏仁較為熟悉,因為在廣東地區有分南杏和北杏,南杏味甜,可食用,而北杏味苦,多用於藥材,且帶有輕微毒素,對止咳化痰有很大成效,中藥材店若用杏入藥,會以多量的南杏配少量的北杏,以免中毒。香港人常喝的「杏仁霜」(又稱「杏仁茶」)確實有杏仁的成分,同樣港式甜品「杏仁燉奶」亦有,但澳門某餅家出產的「杏仁餅」並不含杏仁,「杏仁餅」主要由綠豆所製,其名稱只因外形呈杏仁狀而已。
70 年代美國生產商傳入一種非常可口的果仁,英語名稱叫 almond,由於形狀與中國的杏仁酷似,只是看來稍大,當時國人便把這種食品譯為「美國大杏仁」,久而久之,所有華人都以為
almond 就是「杏仁」,這個錯了幾十年的誤譯到現在還未糾正過來。中國農貿業一早已經驗證且發表報告,說明
almond 與杏並無關係,若以植物品種來說,杏是李亞屬植物,同類的有李子(plum),而 almond 實際上是桃亞屬植物,同類的有桃子(peach),故 almond 在中國的正確學名稱為「扁桃」,平時所吃的果仁應該叫「扁桃仁」。農貿業多年來之所以極力澄清這兩種本屬不同類的果實,因為外國進口的「扁桃仁」長期以來都冒名為「杏仁」,價格一直上揚,結果令本土盛產的真正「杏仁」不斷被打壓,而且「扁桃仁」雖有其營養價值,但並沒有「杏仁」的藥效,這個學名的無心之失不知要何時才能傳遍民間?
WOW! Thanks for the clarification! I would have never known! The pictures definitely help.
回覆刪除Thanks Lok for keeping on reading my blog! It's a pity that the number of visitors seems to be decreasing.
回覆刪除These two seeds really look very similar. That's good you get it from now on. But it's difficult to spread this message out or even put the name back on the right track.
I enjoy reading your blog. I have learned a lot of new and interesting things. I think you can post the link on your fb every once a while. When people see an interesting topic, they will click the link and come to your blog.
回覆刪除I really didn't know the existence of apricot kernel. I always thought almond is apricot kernel. As you said, there is no easy way for people to learn that.
Thanks for your support always! I'd rather think of other places than FB to post my articles because I don't want some of FB friends, who I'm not very close with, to know that this blog is written by me.
回覆刪除Apricot kernel may be a bit strange to non-Asian countries because it is mainly found in Asia (and particularly in China). People usually see its final product, e.g. mashed powder, and so may not be able to recognize its raw appearance.
我陰錯陽差地在一家中東乾果店買了apricot kernel及旁邊的apricot dry fruit.店主說乾果裏頭的子就是旁邊賣的kernel.我回家吃完乾果,順便把裏面的果仁殼敲開,裏頭有粒小果仁,果然味道就是我熟悉的杏仁豆腐的杏仁味。再看你的文章就對上了。謝謝。