筆者以前聽過不少人問同一個問題,為何英語的 kindergarten(幼稚園)不是寫成 kindergarden,有這個想法,是因為幼稚園確實很像一個為幼兒而設的樂園,難免會想到 garden 一詞,沒錯,這樣理解是正確的,只不過 kindergarten 本來就不是出自英語,它是源自德語,kindergarten 在德語中就是 children’s garden,英語直接把這詞收進去,固然令人看不出其本來出處。
紐西蘭奶粉公司 Nutricia 曾經在荷蘭的小吃店擺放一個廣告招牌,結果引起一陣轟動,事因那塊牌子上寫了一句 “Mama, die, die, die ...”,英語人士一看無不譁然,媽媽們都幾乎嚇得窒 息,原來該廣告所用的 die 並不是英語,而是荷蘭語的一個限定詞(determiner)或代詞(pronoun),意思相當於 that / those,廣告的畫面實際上是想表達孩子叫媽媽買某種飲料 ,所以那句話的真正意思是「媽媽,那個 ... 那個 ... 那個」,那塊牌子下面還有 “Alsjeblieft” 一詞,意思是 please,以荷蘭語來說其實是普通不過的用詞。(這個 亦是語言學上所謂 false friends 的典型例子,詳情可見舊文「小心交錯朋友」。)
That Nutricia ad is really interesting! I bet they got a lot of harsh criticism from people around the world.
回覆刪除Yes, probably. But I guess it's not really a big deal in Europe because as far as I know, the word 'die' is not just a determiner/pronoun in Dutch, but at least also in German (other Germanic languages might be the same). The ad actually appeared in the Netherlands. English speakers should be aware of any possibility of words with different meanings in other languages before getting too panic.