2013年11月2日 星期六


針灸是我國傳統中醫學裡非常著名的治療方法,聯合國教科文組織已把針灸列入人類非物質文化遺產的名錄,可想而知這種療法馳名中外。一般人提到針灸的英語都會說 acupuncture,其實這個名稱只說中了一半,內裡還有很多大家需要知道的概念。



好了,現在再看看 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary acupuncture 的定義:
acupuncture: a Chinese method of treating pain and illness using special thin needles which are pushed into the skin in particular parts of the body
很明顯 acupuncture 所指的僅是針灸中的「針法」,事實上翻查 acupuncture 的詞源也可略窺一斑,acupuncture 是由 acu- puncture 組成,acu- 是來自拉丁文的 acus,解作 needle,而 puncture 意思是在皮膚上被刺破的扎孔,故此把 acupuncture 譯作「針灸」不太準確,當代的英漢詞典一般把 acupuncture 譯為「針刺」或「針刺療法」。

那麼「灸法」的英語又怎麼說呢?原來灸法有另一專業名詞稱作 moxibustion,這個詞頗為罕見且學術,連英語高階詞典也未必收錄,根據網上 Dictionary.com 提供的定義如下:
moxibustion: a method of treatment, originally in Chinese medicine, in which a moxa is burned on the skin
以上定義中的 moxa 就是漢語所謂的艾絨,是由一種草本植物「艾」的葉子經曬乾並磨碎而成的中醫藥物,而 moxibustion 是由 moxa + (com)bustion 組成,combustion 即「燃燒」之意,因此 moxibustion 字面上就是「燃燒艾絨」,亦即灸法或灸術的療程。

總結來說,「針灸」的整個名稱應該是 acupuncture and moxibustion,不過因為 moxibustion 一詞實在太少見,而一般人不明因由又以為 acupuncture 涵蓋了「針」和「灸」兩種療法,所以筆者只好說在非正式的情況下,姑且可用 acupuncture 代稱「針灸」,但在嚴謹的文章中,最好還是寫回全名,尊重我國傳承下來的醫學價值。

2 則留言:

  1. I didn't know 針 & 灸 is actually two different things. I guess 針刺療法 is more common and popular, so I always think 針灸 is 針刺療法. :O

  2. If you look at the character 灸 which has a 火 under it, you'll associate it with something related to 'fire', but the things you see in 針刺 have nothing to do with fire, right? What I wonder more is when and why the concept of 'acupuncture' started to replace the whole meaning of 針灸 in the westerners' mind in the way that most people have hardly heard about the term 'moxibustion' and this explains why 針灸 is usually considered as one thing only.
