2018年9月9日 星期日

Native 的寫法

筆者想跟大家介紹英語有一種以 adjective 開首的寫法,在外國的報章相當普遍,但本地學校很少會提及到。

香港人學英語,通常都習慣用 it 來開頭,因為這是最安全的寫法,例如:

It seems surprising that the President suddenly cancelled the visit to the country.
It may sound strange that his parents didn't know he had been absent for a week.

上面兩句都帶有 adjective,後面接 that-clause,這個時候如果你想寫得較為生動而又不太拘謹的話,可以直接以 adjective 開頭,然後用 as though 接住後面的 it,例如:

Surprising as it seems, the President suddenly cancelled the visit to the country.
Strange though it may sound, his parents didn't know he had been absent for a week.

這種句式後面通常會加個逗號,而本來的 that 可以刪去。

這樣看起來是否較像 native 所寫的英語而少了一點港人英語的感覺呢?

