2016年7月31日 星期日



to pig (out on):意思跟豬很相似,就是狼吞虎嚥、大吃大喝,強調吃的份量和速度都十分驚人,例如:
The brothers pigged out on the cake at once!(幾個兄弟一下子把蛋糕吃個精光!)
Don’t give me any more. I’ll just pig myself!(不要再給我了,我會吃不停的!)

to cow (into):不知是否出自鬥牛運動,意思是恐嚇、威逼,例如:
Tom was cowed into accepting the bribe.(湯姆被人威脅下收受賄賂。)

to dog:本意是跟縱、尾隨,聯想起來跟獵犬相近,後來引申為給人造成麻煩、困擾、折磨,例如:
Helen felt someone was dogging her.(海倫感覺到有人在跟縱她。)
The player has been dogged by injuries.(那名球員一直受傷患困擾。)

to chicken (out of):粵語有關雞的俗語一向都很負面,譬如「騰雞」、「偷雞」、「靜雞雞」、「執死雞」等,同樣英語的 chicken 作為動詞也十分負面,形容人畏首畏尾、臨陣退縮,例如:
Mark boasted that he dared to do a bungee jump, but chickened out at the last moment.(馬克誇口說自己敢玩蹦極跳,可到最後一刻卻退縮了。)

to duck (into / out of):這個有幾個意思,其中一個是指躲避襲擊、逃竄到別處去,不知道與鴨何干,後來又引申為逃避責任,例如:
She ducked into her room when she saw a cockroach.(她一見到蟑螂就躲進了房間。)
The singer ducked all the questions about the scandal.(這名歌手迴避了所有關於醜聞的問題。)

to rat (on):這個估計與老鼠給人鬼鬼祟祟、暗中行動的印象有關,意思是背叛某人、向人告密,例如:
He ratted on his friends to escape punishment.(他為求脫罪出賣了朋友。)

