2021年10月10日 星期日

according to vs based on

筆者發覺很多人一想到要表達「根據」,經常把 according to based on 混在一起,有不少人誤以為它們是同義詞,於是在寫作時交叉混用,好像在同一篇文章不重複用同一個詞就自我感覺良好。其實這兩個詞的意思並不一樣,之所以會把它們混淆,都是因為很多人自動把它們等於中文的「根據」。

先講講這兩個詞的詞性,according to 是一個 preposition,而 based on 是來自 base … on,是一個 phrasal verb,但由於它經常以被動態或分詞形式出現,所以大家看到的都是 based on 為主。

若把它們都譯作「根據」,確實是有點難以辨認,所以要從它們的本義入手。according to 意思是 as stated by(據…所說,據…所載),是用來直接引述某人、某書、某報道或某些言論等,例如:
According to Ella, the movie is not as good as expected.(據 Ella 說,這部電影並不像預期的那樣好。)
According to news reports, the crime rate in the city is on the rise.(據新聞報道,該城市的犯罪率不斷上升。)
He was fired for poor performance from the company, according to rumours.(根據傳言,他因業績不佳被公司解僱。)

according to 的另一個意思是按照某種特定的客觀條件而進行某事,例如:
Students will be put in different groups according to their ability.(學生會按各自的能力進行分組。)
You need to play the game according to the rules.(你需要按照規則來玩遊戲。)
If everything goes according to plan, we’ll arrive next week.(如果一切按計劃進行,我們將於下週抵達。)

再談談 based on,雖知道 base 本義是「根基,基礎」,故此 base … on 就是「以…為基礎或依據」,通常會以 be based on 的形式出現,例如:
The movie is based on real-life events.(這部電影是根據真實事件改編的。)
Our relationship is based on mutual respect.(我們的關係是建立在互相尊重的基礎上。)
His first novel was based on his own experiences as a journalist.(他的第一部小說是基於他自己作為記者的經歷。)

以上 based on 的意思是用於 verb to be 後面,一般不會與 according to 混淆,真正令人把兩者混在一起是當 according to based on 都用於句子開首的時候,先看看以下兩句:
__________ scientists, climate change is getting more and more serious.
__________ what scientists have found, we need to take climate change seriously.
以上哪一句你會用 according to、哪一句用 based on 呢?

要區分兩者,我們必須牢記 according to based on 在意義上的細微差別:according to 是旨在引述別人的言語,提出客觀的陳述,當中不會加插個人的意見或評論,相反,based on 是以某些事實、信息或實際情況為依據,再加以闡述個人的意見或評論,或作出相應的行動,因此以上兩句應該是:
According to scientists, climate change is getting more and more serious.(據科學家稱,氣候變化越來越嚴重。)
Based on what scientists have found, we need to take climate change seriously.(根據科學家的發現,我們需要認真對待氣候變化。)

我們不能因為 according to based on 都可以譯作「根據」而當作同義詞,它們實際上是有不同的用法,各司其職,運用時一定要先想清楚全句所表達的意思,不能把兩者混為一談,以下再看看幾個例子:
According to our records, you’ve been absent five times.(根據我們的記錄,你已經缺席了五次。)
According to a recent report, most people do not take enough exercise.(根據最近的一份報告,大多數人都沒有做足夠的運動。)
According to witnesses, the robbery was committed by two teenage boys.(據目擊者說,這樁搶劫案是由兩名男青年幹的。)
Based on the evidence, the police arrested three suspects.(基於這些證據,警方逮捕了三名嫌疑犯。)
Based on her pronounced accent, she must not have grown up here.(根據她明顯的口音,她一定不是在這裡長大的。)
Based on research findings, we can conclude that pregnant women should not receive this treatment.(根據研究結果,我們可以得出結論,孕婦不宜接受這種治療。)